This particular writing had come to me in a dream, when Aristotle personally tore out my heart, and it rambunctiously thrashed about, and Aristotle said "this organ obfuscates the sufficient function of society, and liberty", before placing my heart back in my into my chest.
On The Heart.
I believe mankind possesses two thinking organs: the heart, and the brain. The heart is responsible for arbeiting the irrational thoughts, ones of recklessness, blind consensus, and majoritarianism, whilst the brain is responsible for individualism, rationalism, objectivity, gravitas, virtus, and aspiration. Those who think with the heart as their prime organ are the contemporary peoples, the commoners, the irrationals, while those who's brains are the prime organ are the thinkers, the politicians, the diplomats, and the representatives. I recognize the existence of two extent civilizations which compose the constituent West: there are the rationals and the irrationals. What constitutes the rational people are those who do not inundate themselves with trends, usually beholden to the contemporary paradigm of society, which obfuscate vision of the intellectual pursuits -- those who do not listen to pop music, hip-hop, rap, or otherwise music which satiates the primitive instincts of mankind. Those who compose science fiction, as opposed to pop-fiction, and whom have entrenched themselves in philosophy. Thinkers, such as Marcus Aurelius, Aristotle, Plotinus, Russel Kirk, Pythagoras, Ayn Rand, Curtis Yarvin, and Ron Paul and those whom replicate, emulate, and postulate define the rational contingent of our bicameral civilization. The problems which afflict our civilization is primarily due to the rise of irrationalpolitik, or, as I've referred to her, capital "D" Democracy. Irrationalpolitik is an outgrowth of kakistocracy, albeit applied to the inclusion of those unfit for governance being then allocated en masse to the forums in which they dictate as a majority, and a collective tyranny. Those contingents who compose the irrationalpolitik are only so appealed to by populists. Populists bus in innumerable irrationals under the promises of greater inclusion into a political apparatus in which they are much unfit. The means of detriment is derived from the fact that these people are far too easily obstructed in their minds by silliness, and who cannot foresee the ramifications of their ballots, and are manipulated by their emotions. These peoples think with their hearts, and are enabled by the clandestine religion of post-WW2 liberalism, which sees the prerogatives of state to be a right of all peoples, including the inept, which has been detrimental to society, as evident by our present issues in the transgender phenomena, the spikes in crime, and the increasing demonization of the family unit, which are influenced by these notions of egality, which are opposed to the true facts of life, that being the prerequisite necessity of the family unit as the basic foundation for any society. The post-WW2 liberal religion believes that the family can be substituted by notions of egality, and this itself is a product of individuals whose prime thinking organ is the bleeding heart, and not the brain, and thus my point as to why the heart is not the best thinking organ, and why I espouse the supremacy of the brain, which upholds a moral society. Now, what would be my solution? I would argue the best solution would be to have a leader who may swifty abolish the present criteria for voting privileges, a leader, accompanied by a diffused cabinet, who may ascertain the ability to pass voting restrictions to a relegated minority of the wealthy, the land-owners, and the business owners, the mayors, the governors, and other political and financial arbiters. The counteractive pulling forces of the businessmen, the politicians, the statesmen, the wealthymen, and the professors will select leaders who are good for these people, and good for all peoples by proxy.